PPC Case Study

Lucidea Sees 818% Increase in Lead Volume From Omni-Channel Strategy



Industry: SaaS
Location: Vancouver, CA
Lucidea is a leading knowledge management software and solutions company, which is engaged in providing the infrastructure to help information-intensive organizations collect, organize, and leverage corporate knowledge.

The Challenge

Lucidea had been running paid ads on Google, Capterra, and LinkedIn. However these platforms were not properly tracking nor producing the desirable amount of leads. Lucidea came to Megethos seeking assistance with these two main issues. So we immediately went to work to (1) assist in setting up accurate conversion tracking and (2) build restructured campaigns to maximize leads.

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Our Approach

Our approach started with first better understanding what goals were most important and valuable to the business as well as correctly attributing PPC efforts in their CRM. This information would be crucial for the conversion tracking setup process and would ultimately allow us to more accurately measure the success of each ad campaign. From there it was important to align these goals with the targeting across each platform. This process included but was not limited to thorough keyword research, applying conversion focused ad types, and updating product listings.

The Solution

High-Intent Keyword Targeting: For Google this meant performing thorough keyword research where we reviewed what was currently being done, what competitors were doing, and learned the intricacies of each product from the client and their website. With this we were able to set up highly targeted ads for search.

LinkedIn Lead Gen Ads: In LinkedIn we moved over from simple text ads to utilizing lead gen forms which provided a much more conversion friendly experience. These ads automatically insert the users info into a customized form once an ad is clicked on. This allowed for less friction for when a user engaged with an ad.

Updated Product Listings: For Capterra it was important that each product being promoted was not only using an appropriate bid but that each listing was up to date. It was important that each listing included product details, descriptions, and even videos. This helped provide more info and incentive for those researching on Capterra about Lucidea products.

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The Results

Lift in CTR
Decrease in Cost per Lead
Increase in Lead Volume

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